Friday, 12 June 2015

Some huge gains already......

I have been applying The Power of Posture to my body now for 6 weeks. This has basically meant getting down with a daily and specific self myofascial release and stretching routine, with some abdominal breathing and yoga thrown in for good measure.........anyway.....I won't bore you with all the details in this post! There's plenty more posts to come on that in the future! ;-)

But, for my own records, I just wanted to briefly summarise the benefits I have already gained from applying this practice to my body at this 6 week mark.......
  • I have cured a life long and quite common cramp in my feet when extending my feet/pointing my toes. This only took a few days of release on my TFL and was never something I specifically set out to cure. This was the real defining and life changing moment for me to be honest!
  • The relieve of cramp in my feet has enabled me to perform some deeper hip flexor stretches without actually bringing on the cramp. All helping to open up my hips.
  • When swimming, I can now get much longer in the water and really point my toes. Swimming would often bring on cramp, causing drag from my feet in the water trying to prevent it, that is now gone!
  • This morning, I swam a sub 4 minute (3:57) 200 metres for the first time EVER!! It was not a big perceivable effort either. I was genuinely shocked when I stopped my watch! That's over ten seconds faster than what I was swimming last year, when I was 'in training'!
  • I am not any fitter, I can't be! I spent the first 4 months of this year doing very little training whatsoever.....I am just more efficient! This makes me faster for free!! Bonus :)
  • I have relieved lower back strain and tension which in turn has virtually relieved the lower back pain I was occasionally experiencing. Especially in the mornings.
  • I have lost a stone in weight and am under 17st for the first time in AGES!! But weight loss is NOT my motivation here at all! It's just another metric that can be considered.
  • Then there is the emotional aspect. Well, I have never been more inspired in my life! I even started a blog! WTF!!!
  • I feel GREAT!!!!!!!!!!

The benefits that the next 6 weeks could bring for me is very exciting..... Sub 8 minute 400 metres maybe? We'll see. I'm only just getting started here and I have a very, very long way to go yet!


****ADDENDUM 15/6/2015****

  • A litte more effort in the pool this morning and I swam 200m in 3:46!!

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